Poplar Forest Dumbwaiter

Thomas Jefferson enjoyed the French style of dining where serving plates of food were placed on a small set of shelves to be made available next to the table. This meant that there were no servants standing in the corners of the room waiting to handle plates as diners wished something additional to eat. They were referred to as Dumb Waiters as they served food like a waiter but were unable to speak and, therefore, ‘Dumb’.

Thomas Jefferson had two of these built by the enslaved joiner, John Hemmings at the Monticello Joinery were used at his retreat home of Poplar Forest. This is a reproduction that can serve many purposes in a home where a small set of shelves may be useful.

It is made of American black walnut and is approximately 35 inches high, 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep. It is constructed using 32 mortise and tenon joints.
